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These are the common stages of eczema healing while using this oil:
1st week: Skin feels and looks more calm and less angry.
2nd week: Skin may suddenly get more red and inflamed due to purging/healing climax. This is a necessary detoxification and it will look like a flare up especially for those who used steriods previously. This is because of suppressed inflammation. For dry inflamed skin, continue to apply aloe, eczema oil and butter/balm. For weeping inflamed skin, please use hydrosol and eczema oil only.
3rd week: The previously red/pink skin starts to brown and become scabs. Skin looks like its starting to be more stable.
4th week: Brown scabby skin starts to become more dry and more itchy. This is because new healthy skin beneath is forming, and thus your first layer of damaged skin has become dead skin. It is trying to shed now. Do not peel - please allow it fall off by itself. You may stop the eczema oil at this point and just moisturise alot more with original aloe vera and cupuacu butter/balm.
5th week: Dead skin starts shedding/peeling. New skin emerges, but continue to use aloe/hydrosol + butter/balm to build stronger skin. The new skin will strengthen and slowly transit to your normal skin colour soon. OR, the entire cycle of healing and shedding will repeat until your new skin is fully freed from suppressed eczema inflammation.
Your purchase of ECZEMA oil will come with a complimentary original aloe vera and organic cupuacu butter samples. These 2 products, in my opinion, are very useful to use during the healing process. It works for most people, however please do your own test patch first and only proceed on only if your skin feels comfortable. You will receive an instructional sheet as a guide in using these samples.
ECZEMA oil can be used alone too, so please try it for youself and see which combination works best for you.
Items that are very useful during eczema healing:
Traditional olive soap - This is a versatile natural soap that is useful for head-to-toe cleansing. Choosing a natural bathing soap is very crucial during eczema healing. It is best to go back to basics, so that your recovery can be faster and less painful.
Aloe vera gel - Do not use on its own on eczema conditions; it will only cause more dryness and itchiness due to its astringent nature. You must always combine it with ECZEMA oil after using aloe vera gel. Do not use on weepy infected wounds too, please switch to a hydrosol for that.
Organic cupuacu butter
An excellent butter with one of the best moisturising properties which can be also used as a moisturiser throughout your healing journey. Use this after the eczema oil for extra repair and moisture preservation of your skin. This butter is suitable for everyone.
HEAL-ALL HYDROSOL - this hydrosol blend is very effective to help soothe and calm irritated itchy skin immediately. It is extremely healing and convenient to use as you just need to spray whenever it is needed. It is great to help reduce skin infections from scratching too. For babies and children below 6 years old, please choose this instead of aloe vera gel as your first step.
HEAL-ALL BALM - this formulated product is very helpful when your skin is very sensitive, delicate and has formed very soft scabs instead of the usual hard scabs. The texture of this balm is soft and creamy; giving a very comforting gentle touch as you apply over the raw delicate skin.
Kindly deselect/uncheck them if you do not wish to try due to allergy reasons etc.
Wild tamanu kernel oil, organic black cumin seed extract, evening primrose extract, organic castor seed oil, sea buckthorn berry extract, organic carrot root extract, german chamomile flower extract, yarrow flower oil, patchouli leaf oil, organic turmeric root extract, organic calendula flower extract, organic helichrysum flower oil.
Please kindly do a test patch first; especially those with nut allergy or people who have sensitive bodies.
Serving humankind & protecting aromatic medicinal plants since 2016.
Imported ingredients from direct manufacturers/distillers/farmers.
Proudly formulated and crafted in Singapore.
Company registration no: 53392620C
Last updated March 2024