Hops CO2 extract

10ml 29.70 sgd / 30ml 62 sgd

Botanical name:  Humulus lupulus

Origin:  Germany

Extraction:  Supercritical fluid extraction (CO2 extraction) 

Plant part : Cones

Scent:  Rich and harsh, slightly spicy-bittersweet with earthy undertones, tobacco-like.

Aromatherapy:  Excellent for neuralgia and insomnia, support for uncontrolled sexual desires, the over-active thinkers and the foul tempered.

Skin/bodycare: Useful treatment of rheumatism and arthritis, aids hair growth, beneficial for oily and acne-prone skin type, supports female oestrogen and characteristics, helps with PMS and menopause. 

Blends well with:  Pine, Nutmeg, Balsam, citrus and spice oils.

Best before  Oct 2021

Hops CO2 vs EO

This Hops is CO2 extracted, and is therefore different from the steam-distilled Hops essential oil. Both versions do share many of the same therapeutic benefits. However, the two different extraction processes result in oils with different aroma, colour, and consistency. CO2 extracted oil contains unique heavy molecules that cannot be extracted by steam distillation. That is why Vizü decided to source for the highest quality CO2 extraction of Hops which is most often prized by herbalists and practitioners of traditional medicine.

What is CO2 extract?
CO2 extracted oils are high quality oils extracted using carbon dioxide in liquid form, as the solvent for lipophilic plant ingredients. There are not any waste streams and emissions involved in this eco-friendly technology. When carbon dioxide is converted to liquid by using low temperatures and high pressure, it becomes a safe and effective solvent that allows all the desirable active constituents of the botanical to be collected without the risk of heat, light and air (oxygen) degradation. Once the extraction is complete, the carbon dioxide is allowed to return to its natural gaseous state, leaving behind only the extracted essence of the plant. CO2 extracted oils are the closest representation of the natural plant ever achieved. Highly concentrated and more complete than essential oils, these CO2 extracts can be used at low amount in carrier oils and other base products.

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Humulus lupulus

Besides being well known for beer-making, Hops CO2 extract is the best remedy for insomnia, especially when the restlessness is accompanied with nervous tension, neuralgia and also sexual neurosis. Hops CO2 extract has a magical relaxing effect upon the nervous system. 

The fruit of Hops, called strobiles, possess lupulin, which contains most of the medicinal virtues. Herbalists mixed hops into their herbal remedies to stimulate estrogen production, relieve pain, sleeplessness, muscle and joint aches, jaundice, and other conditions. Research has shown that Hop extract is anti-microbial, has antibacterial, antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties, and therefore is suitable for the treatment of inflammatory skin diseases and acne. In many studies regarding skincare, Hops CO2 show strong inhibitory activities against bacteria causing acne.

Another article  has concluded that one of its phytochemical, Xanthohumol, is the best studied cancer chemopreventive agent - (1) inhibiting the metabolic activation of procarcinogens, (2) induction carcinogen-detoxifying enzymes, and (3) by inhibition of tumor growth at an early stage. Xanthohumol shows no toxicity to liver cells nor does it inhibit mitochondrial respiration. 

When used topically, it is good for skin disorders and afflictions such as boils and rashes, also for the treatment of inflammations, bruises, pains, rheumatism and arthritis. Additionally, Hops enjoy fame as the most potent phytoestrogen known to date - it supports the female oestrogens, particularly reducing hot flashes in menopausal women and also prevention of osteoporosis in postmenopausal women. Hops CO2 is useful for menstrual cramps and helps regulate periods. It also showed significant ability to stimulate cell proliferation in breast cancer cells. It was demonstrated in research trials that hops showed a potent acceleration on hair growth.

Did you know?

Hops are currently tested in many academic and industrial laboratories for other biological activities. The potential health-maintaining effects of xanthohumol as a ‘broad-spectrum’ cancer chemopreventive agent have led to the development of experimental beers with high levels of Xanthohumol!

 There are also considerable amounts of plant hormones have been found, 30,000 to 300,000 IU of estrogen in 100 g of hops! Hence many hop-containing herbal preparations are being marketed for breast enlargement in women presently.

It was the girls and women picking hops who first discovered that hops have an effect on the menstrual cycles. Before machines were introduced, hop pickers used to spend several weeks at this work, and it had always been known that menstrual periods would come early in young girls while they were doing this work.

Hops is native to Europe and Asia and it belongs to the same family as marijuana. Hops strobiles are traditionally used in European, Indian Ayurvedic and Native American herbal medicine for the relief of insomnia, excitability, and specifically for restlessness associated with nervous tension, headache and/or indigestion.

Native Americans used hops to relieve pain and get a restful sleep whereas in Europe, hops were used to relax the body, relieve aching muscles and joints, lower fevers, help nervous conditions, digestion, alleviate menstrual cramps, intestinal parasites, and improve skin problems. In China, it is used for pulmonary tuberculosis and cystitis.

Period cramps massage oil

  • Combine 5 drops Hops CO2, 5 drops Parsley Seed CO2, 10 drops Lavender CO2, 5 drops German Chamomile EO, 3 drops Ginger CO2 into either  30ml grape seed oil or jojoba oil.
  • Massage onto abdomen when cramping, use a warm compress for better comfort. 

Insomnia blend/mist

  • For a diffusing blend, combine 25 drops Lavender, 12 drops Sweet Orange, 12 drops Frankincense, 10 drops Hops, 10 drops German Chamomile, 3 drops Myrrh, Jasmine or Ylang Ylang (optional) for a beautiful calming scented blend.
  • For a pillow mist, combine 5 drops Lavender, 2 drops Hop, 2 drops Frankincense into 30ml Rose or German Chamomile hydrosol. Shake well before misting.

Generally non-toxic (narcotic in excessive amount) and non-irritant. May cause sensitization in some individuals. Should be avoided by those suffering from depression.

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