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Botanical name: Citrus x paradisi
Pink grapefruit EO is wonderfully bright and uplifting; it is used to help treat mood swings, anger, depression and stress within aromatherapy work. Pink grapefruit EO promotes body cleansing and removal of toxins and excess fluids. It shares similar nutritional qualities of other citrus species – high in Vitamin C and is a valuable protection against infectious illnesses.
The aroma of grapefruit EO causes activation of the sympathetic nerve activity innervating white adipose tissue, which facilitates lipolysis, then results in a suppression of body weight gain. That is how grapefruit EO is famed for being a "dieter's friend" because of this anti-obesity effects. When grapefruit EO is combined with patchouli EO, this blend is known to lower cravings and hunger, which makes it a useful method to lose weight in a healthy way.
It is a good astringent for balancing oily skin and hair, and is a useful addition to facial toners. Pink grapefruit EO (along/on par with second highest sweet orange EO) has the highest d-limonene contents among all the other citrus essential oils. Always dilute when using on skin.
Herbal Folk Tradition
Grapefruits are believed to be hybrids between the pomelo and sweet orange, and are the only citrus fruits native to the New World.
The grapefruit was “discovered” in the early nineteenth century. The main grapefruit cultivar now grown is “Marsh”, which is a seedless descendant of the “Duncan”, the oldest commercial grapefruit cultivar in the world. The parent tree, which is believed to be from Barbados, was planted in 1830 in Florida and lived to nearly 100 years old!
Serving humankind & protecting aromatic medicinal plants since 2016.
Imported ingredients from direct manufacturers/distillers/farmers.
Proudly formulated and crafted in Singapore.
Company registration no: 53392620C
Last updated March 2024