Peppermint ethereal oil

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Product Details

Botanical name: Mentha x piperita

Origin: Australia
Extraction: Steam distilled
Plant part: Leaves
Scent: Fresh, candy-sweet, deep and strong, minty aroma

Aromatherapy: Vapours open the sinus and breathing passages, increases mental clarity, relieves flatulence and nausea.

Skin/bodycare:Soothes itching skin, stops muscle spasms.

Blends well with: Lavender, Sweet Orange, Geranium, Rosemary, Lemon, Eucalyptus, Juniper Berry and other mints.

Precautions: Non- toxic, non-irritant (except in concentration), possible sensitization due to menthol. Use in moderation.

Peppermint can help relieve headache, indigestion, reduce mental fatigue, increase alertness, relieve nausea, relieve itching and is effective in repelling insects.

Peppermint is a great aid with the respiratory system. When used via steam inhalation, it will bring relief to head colds, bronchitis, blocked nose and most useful in asthma.

It is currently in the British Herbal Pharmacopoeia for intestinal colic, flatulence, common cold, vomiting in pregnancy and dysmenorrhea.

Herbal Folk Tradition
The herb has been used extensively since the ancient times; the Chinese and Japanese cultivated back then as a folk medicine, the ancient Greeks and Romans valued it as a stomach soother, the Egyptians used it as a remedy for indigestion and the dried peppermint leaves were found in their tombs dating from 1000 BC!

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Lao Tzu

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