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Ayurveda oil series collaboration with @recoveryasana , with a philosophy of simplicity over complexity.
💛 Kanika in Sanskrit means, “atom” “gold” “seed”
A balancing daily body oil-based on Ayurvedic Wisdom with 4 high quality ingredients.
👍🏼Suitable for all body types and doshas. Made for daily body moisturising use and highly absorbent to skin.
Star Ingredient:
🌻 Coldpressed, unrefined, Turkish organic sunflower seed oil
Ayurveda benefits: balances the Pitta, good for Vata and light enough for Kapha. High in Vitamin E (only unrefined Sunflower oil has this), minimise inflammation, boost immune system, helps you to feel energised, excellent to cool down irritability and heated anger. Tridoshic daily use.
🌻 Reduces skin inflammation, gives a soothing effect
🌻 Prevent ageing and restores the normal texture of the skin
🌻 Promotes a healthy digestive system
🌻 Increases overall energy
Coldpressed, unrefined, Indian organic sesame seed oil
Frankincense EO, steam distilled from India
Bergamot (Bergapten-Free) EO, steam distilled from Italy
Ayurveda benefits:
Sesame seed oil is the King of Oils in Ayurveda - nourishing, calming, warming, help to balance vata Dosha.
👌🏽Nutrients-packed oil
👌🏽Improves bone quality
👌🏽Make joints more supple
👌🏽Relieve stress & anxiety
👌🏽Rich in anti-oxidant
Herbalism benefits: Sesame seed oil is anti-bacterial for common skin pathogens, fungi and athlete's foot. It is naturally anti-inflammatory and a potent antioxidant that can neutralise oxygen radicals in the lower skin layers. It is also easily absorbed by the skin, hence carrying healing properties to the capillaries at the lowest skin layers.
As a cell growth regulator, Sesame seed oil is helpful against cancer cells, and its also considered a natural UV protector (SPF 15) against sun damage.
How to use on body?
👉🏼Apply on skin after shower to nourish skin and get all the health benefits out of this wonderful KANIKA body oil.
👉🏼Use it before bedtime, apply on crown of head and massage head gently, then soles of the feet for good quality sleep.
👉🏼Massage all joints , both big and small joints to prevent arthritis, improve movement, prevent & reduce stiffness.
Serving humankind & protecting aromatic medicinal plants since 2016.
Imported ingredients from direct manufacturers/distillers/farmers.
Proudly formulated and crafted in Singapore.
Company registration no: 53392620C
Last updated March 2024