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Callitris Intratropica
Blue cypress is native to Australia. The blue cypress tree, Karnitirrikani (Tiwi language), was traditionally used by the native Australian Tiwi people for muscle and joint aches, abdominal discomfort, bruises, wounds, insect bites, and as an insect repellent. The genus name, Callitris, is derived from the Greek calli (beautiful) and treis (three) in reference to the triangular shape of the scale-like leaves that are arranged in whorls of three. It’s timber wood is very aromatic, resistant to termites.
The essential oil from the blue cypress’ chipped wood and bark requires a long time to distill. Resinous compounds in the bark react during distillation with other aromatic compounds to create guaiazulene, an anti-inflammatory compound similar to chamazulene that gives the essential oil its dark blue colour.
Because of its high content of sesquiterpenes, there are a number of anecdotal reports that Blue Cypress oil does have both inflammation and pain-relieving benefits, and helping to relieve allergy‑induced hives, insect bites (such as from sand flies, mosquitoes, wasps and bees) and soothing nappy rash. In the case of psoriasis, Blue Cypress is of potential benefit in reducing hypervascularity and inflammation in this condition. In terms of musculo-skeletal complaints, there are reports of blue cypress oil helping with the pain and inflammation of general joint pain, swelling and with rheumatoid arthritis. Blue cypress is also beneficial against common warts, shingles and cold sores.
Blue cypress oil is suggested to benefit a venous and lymphatic congested system, and helps with odema, minor varicose veins and haemmorhoids.
It is also an excellent perfume fixative that will blend well with other woods, citrus and “green” aromas. Australian Blue Cypress essential oil is a pleasant, calming and grounding oil. well suited to both men and women.
Blue cypress trees have been utilized as medicine for thousands of years amongst the Australian Aboriginal people. Plants rich in essential oils have been a major part of the Aboriginal ‘medicine chest’ and are traditionally prepared in a variety of ways.
The Tiwi people of Australia uses ashes of blue cypress wood mixed with water and smeared over the affected part of the body, and are claimed to relieve minor aches and pains. They also use an infusion of pounded blue cypress bark heated in water to bathe as a body wash. The infusion is also applied to sores and cuts. It is occasionally drank for abdominal pain and discomfort. The remaining strands of inner barks are also wrapped around the abdomen to relieve abdominal cramps. The bark is thrown into camp fire to drive off mosquitoes and midges, hence acting like an insect repellent.
The first recorded use of the Australian Blue Cypress by European settlers was in 1905 by Mr. Joe Cooper, who cut it for timber.
Psoriasis healing hydrating gel
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Avoid during pregnancy and breastfeeding. Otherwise, non-toxic and non-sensitising.
Serving humankind & protecting aromatic medicinal plants since 2016.
Imported ingredients from direct manufacturers/distillers/farmers.
Proudly formulated and crafted in Singapore.
Company registration no: 53392620C
Last updated March 2024